Dana Marie Bell - Halle Puma 3 - Cat of ...

Dana Marie Bell - Halle Puma 3 - Cat of a different colour, Beletrystyka
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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or
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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520
Macon GA 31201
Cat of a Different Color
Copyright © 2008 by Dana Marie Bell
ISBN: 978-1-60504-239-8
Edited by Angela James
Cover by Anne Cain
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
electronic publication: November 2008
Cat of a Different Color
Dana Marie Bell
To Mom, who taught me the important things in life, like “That black doesn’t go
with that black” and “Never let your children know you aren’t psychic”.
To Dad, who grins whenever he hears about my work, even though he refuses to read
it. For which I am eternally grateful, because that would just be… wrong, on so many
To Memom, who encourages my madness and likes to know what I’m working on
To Stephanie, for pointing out some mistakes I’d made with Jerry and his responses,
and gave me more insight into what it’s like to be legally blind.
And to my husband, Dusty. Happy tenth anniversary, sweetheart.
“Every step I took
since the moment I could walk was a step toward finding you.”

Message in a Bottle
Cat of a Different Color
Chapter One
“God, I hate winter. If it wasn’t for the hurricanes I’d move to Florida.”
Adrian knocked on the hotel room door and sighed, rolling his eyes at the sight of his
breath in the air. He hoped the girl (Cheryl? Shelly? No, Sheri!) didn’t keep him waiting
too long. Adrian shivered and wished desperately he was back in his own warm home,
with a roaring fire and a good book.
He’d been volunteered by Max to pick up the newest Pride member. Tonight was
supposed to be her formal introduction, though she’d already been approved by both the
Alphas and the Betas. Only Max could get Adrian to stand outside in the cold like this,
but that was okay. He planned on exacting his own kind of revenge. He grinned, thinking
of all the ways he could encourage Emma’s pre-marital madness.
The Alpha’s mate had gone completely insane, post-it bombing the office with little
notes and to-do lists. She either kept forgetting that he shared desk space with Max or
enjoyed tormenting him with wedding cake photos. It was enough to send a confirmed
bachelor into sugar shock.
Adrian didn’t want a mate. He smiled to himself. His best friends had both become
pussy-whipped, all in the space of weeks. Emma said “Jump!” and the big strong Alpha
asked not only how high but which direction. As for Simon, if Becky so much as sighed
he panicked. Watching the two strongest members of the Pride buckle under the Breast
Brigade made him all the more determined to stay sanely single.
“Just a moment,” a soft voice called from inside. It sounded shy and sweet, and
Adrian’s Puma raised its head curiously. He could feel his dick hardening slightly at the
sound of her velvety voice.
“What the hell?” he muttered, frowning at the closed door. Shrugging, he tried to
dismiss his body’s reaction.
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